Introducing Several New Spawns, monsters, minibosses, bosses, mechanics, and more!

Check the Expansion Map Wiki page for more information.

Some Changes:

  • Knights now can use Strong Mana Potions, Hazel Mana potion and Nimble Mana potions.
  • On the next updated we have increased the Plants, minerals and Trees spawned on map randomly.
  • Now on Port Hope also there is ressources spawning.
  • We have corrected many things on game, thanks to the players that have reported, like some npc not teleporting, and some things like this.
  • Expansion Map

    You will find a list of the maps, spawns, custom / recreated that have been added to the game.

    • Secret Library
      • All Bosses, loot and mount
    • Falcon Bastion
      • All Bosses added, new items
    • Cobra Bastion
      • All bosses added and new items
    • Grave Danger
      • All Bosses, loot, mount, outfit
    • Bruster Spectres, Lions & Deep Desert
    • Fear Feaster
      • Bosses and Loot
    • Soul War
      • Bosses, new items and outfit
    • Kilmaresh
      • Some Monsters, Urmahlullu's Boss
    • Rotten Blood
      • Monsters, Bosses, Mechanic chance (You need use essences to obtain grand sanguine items, otherwise bakragore only loots normal sanguine items)


      Enjoy this new update!

      The Exodus Team.