
Tier System
Tier System is based on custom equipments, that allows you to use an Star Inlay Stone in order to insert 3 empty stars to the equipment.
Once you have inserted 3 Empty stars, you can insert a star stone following the rarity:
- Common (green)
- Rare (blue)
- Very Rare (gold)
- Epic (purple)
- Legendary (red)

Each Tier, has 1, 2 or 3 Stars.
First Star, will take the base stats of the previous upgrade ( it means 1 star, no primary or secundary stats are incremented )
Second Star will increment secundary stats ( Resistance, Speed, Etc )
Thirst Star will increment first stats (Skills: Axe, distance..., Armor...)

To start adding a tier to a custom equipment, first you need defeat Master of The Elements and obtain Star Inlay Stone, using it on allowed equipment ( Netherwave, Skeletal, Varruth, Seetheras or Felsinger ) , Helmet, Armor, Legs and Boots only you will be able to start inlay a stone, try your chance in order to get the best Inlay Stone to increase your stats.

After adding a stone, for example 2 Blue Stars ( Rare ), to an equipment and you will loot for example an Epic or Legendary, and you wish add it to your equipment, you will need use Star Extractor on your equipment in order to extract the stone incrusted to your equipment, your item will become again with 3 Empty stars and able to insert the new one. You will receive the stone incrusted to the equipment after extract it, but you will lose the star extractor.

Inlay or extract, doesn't fail.

New Monsters:
- Bulltauren Alchemist
- Bulltauren Brute
- Bulltauren Forgepriest
- Mega Dragon
- Mitmah Vanguard
- Tauren Herk
- Wardragon

New Boss:
- Master of the Elements

The New Monsters & Boss, are located on the new Dungeon called Master of The Elements, you will need a party up to 2 Players and level 200 in order to enter on the dungeon.
Monsters will have a probability to loot:
- Star Extractor - Common & Rare Inlay Stones ( 1, 2, 3)
- New Ressources
- Some Items

Boss will have a probability to loot:
- Very Rare, Epic, Legendary Inlay Stones ( 1, 2, 3)
- Star Extractor
- Star Inlay Stone
- Werewolf Helmet ( For all classes, do not use moonlight crystals now, later we will work on it).
- New Ressources

Some Pictures:

New Tiers Stones
Item Name Picture
Star Inlay Stone
Star Extractor
Common Star Inlay Stone
Common Two Star Inlay Stone
Common Three Star Inlay Stone
Rare Star Inlay Stone
Rare Two Star Inlay Stone
Rare Three Star Inlay Stone
Very Rare Star Inlay Stone
Very Rare Two Star Inlay Stone
Very Rare Three Star Inlay Stone
Epic Star Inlay Stone
Epic Two Star Inlay Stone
Epic Three Star Inlay Stone
Legendary Star Inlay Stone
Legendary Two Star Inlay Stone
Legendary Three Star Inlay Stone

New Ressources
Item Name Picture
Lesser Guardian Gem
Guardian Gem
Greater Guardian Gem
Lesser Marksman Gem
Marksman Gem
Greater Marksman Gem
Lesser Sage Gem
Sage Gem
Greater Sage Gem
Lesser Mystic Gem
Mystic Gem
Greater Mystic Gem
Splintered Mitmah gem
Atab's Mitmah helmet
Bulltaur Horn
Bulltaur Hoof
Bulltaur Armor Scrap
Strange Substance
Staff Piece
Idol of the forge
Nimmersatt's seal
Molten dragon essence
Mega dragon heart
Strange Eye
Strange poison gland
Tauren Claw
Tauren Tooth
Exalted Seal
Gold-scaled sentinel
Crystallised blood
New Outfit

Exchange Nightmare Coins with Npc Estherya located outside of the Azure Portal.
Master of the Elements also will loot Nightmare Coins